YEAR C // Ordinary Time



  • O the deep, deep love of Jesus
    Vast, unmeasured, boundless, free
    Rolling as a mighty ocean
    In its fullness over me.
    Underneath me, all around me
    Is the current of your love
    Leading onward, leading homeward
    Leading forth in your wondrous love

    O the deep, deep love of Jesus
    Still holds us in its changeless tide
    There is peace that knows no measure
    Hope that through every age abides
    With your love within us, your love before us,
    Your love beneath us and above
    Jesus, lead us onward, lead us homeward
    Lead us forth in your wondrous love.

    O the deep, deep love of Jesus
    Vast, unmeasured, boundless, free
    O the deep, deep love of Jesus
    In its fullness rolling over me

    O the deep, deep love
    O the deep, deep love

    Lyrics: v. 1 by Samuel Taylor Francis, 1875, alt. // v. 2 by Seth Thomas Crissman and Greg Yoder, 2022

    Music: Greg Yoder, 2022

    Vocals: Ebony Nicole, Valerie Bess, Taylor Bess

  • The mighty one, God the LORD,
    speaks and summons the earth
    from the rising of the sun to its setting.
    Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty,
    God shines forth.

    Be hallow’d this and ev’ry day;
    let meekness be our morning ray,
    And faithful love our noon-day light
    Our hope, our sunset, calm and bright.

    O Lord, with each returning morn
    Thine image to our hearts is borne
    Oh may we ever clearly see
    Our Savior and our God in thee.

    Lyrics: St. Ambrose, 4th century, translated by Louis F. Benson // with direct scripture quotation of Psalm 50:1-2 (NRSV)

    Music: Seth Thomas Crissman, 2022

    Vocals: Nichole Barrows

  • In the morning before the sun rises
    The world lays in silence
    And everything seems still
    In the evening, the stillness is motion
    The moon rocks the ocean
    Lullubaby of the whippoorwill

    In each days’ coming, a new world is humming
    When our footsteps’ drumming
    Is tuned to your heartbeat
    In our going, God, teach us to follow
    And breathe your love all over
    Sun, and moon, and sea.

    And in this ordinary time
    Shape our hearts and change our minds
    Teach us how to love like you
    Who are making all things new
    And when we lose our way,
    When we wander astray,
    God, find us with your grace
    In this ordinary time

    In our resting, renew and restore us
    And then set before us
    All that you’d have us do

    And in this ordinary time
    Shape our hearts and change our minds
    Teach us how to love like you
    Who are making all things new
    And when we lose our way,
    When we wander astray,
    God, find us with your grace
    In this ordinary time

    Music and Lyrics: Seth Thomas Crissman and Greg Yoder, 2022

    Vocals: Seth Thomas Crissman and Rachel Mast

  • Now, on land and sea descending,
    brings the night its peace profound.
    Let our vesper hymn be blending
    with the holy calm around.

    Soon as dies the sunset glory,
    stars of heav’n shine out above,
    telling still the ancient story
    their Creator’s endless love.

    Jubilate! Jubilate! Jubilate! Amen!

    Now, our wants and burdens leaving
    to our God who cares for all,
    cease we fearing, cease we grieving;
    touched by God our burdens fall.

    Jubilate! Jubilate! Jubilate! Amen!

    As the darkness deepens o’er us,
    lo! Eternal stars arise.
    Hope and faith and love rise glorious,
    shining in the Spirit’s skies.

    Jubilate! Jubilate!
    Jubilate! Amen!

    Lyrics: Samuel Longfellow, 1859
    Music: Greg Yoder, 2022
    Vocals: Jackson Maust, Kristina Yoder

  • In you, O LORD, I take refuge;
    let me never be put to shame.
    In your righteousness
    deliver me and rescue me;
    incline your ear to me and save me.

    Be to me a rock of refuge,
    a strong fortress, to save me,
    for you are my rock and my fortress.
    Rescue me, O my God,

    Lyrics: direction quotation of Psalm 71:1-4a (NRSV)

    Music: Seth Thomas Crissman, 2022

    Vocals: Jessica DiPuma

  • Bless the LORD, O my soul,
    and all that is within me,
    bless his holy name.

    Bless the LORD, O my soul,
    and do not forget all his benefits--
    who forgives all your iniquity,
    who heals all your diseases,
    who redeems your life from the Pit,
    who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy,

    Bless the LORD,
    O my soul,
    and all that is within me,
    bless his holy name.

    who satisfies you with good
    as long as you live
    so that your youth is renewed,
    renewed like the eagle's.
    The LORD works vindication and justice for all who are oppressed.

    Bless the LORD,
    O my soul,
    and all that is within me,
    bless his holy name.

    The LORD is merciful and gracious,
    slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.

    Lyrics: direct quotation of Psalm 103:1-6, 8 (NRSV)

    Music: Seth Thomas Crissman, 2022

    Vocals: Rachel Mast, Valerie Bess

  • We don’t know how to pray
    don’t know how to say grace
    When our neighbors are hungry
    And we don’t know how to pray
    Don’t know how how to say grace

    God, reach out and fill
    God, reach out and fill

    God, have mercy
    Christ, have mercy

    Music and Lyrics: Seth Thomas Crissman, 2022

    Vocals: Mitchell Yoder, Lauren Yoder, Greg Yoder

  • Jesus had no place to rest his head
    Jesus had no place to rest his head
    Without a house and without a bed
    Jesus had no place to rest his head

    Jesus said come follow me
    Jesus said come follow me
    Share what you have with those in need
    Jesus said come follow me

    Jesus sees the hurt and tired
    Jesus sees the hurt and tired
    With Mary and Martha he sat and cried
    Jesus sees the hurt and tired

    Jesus loves the meek and low
    Jesus loves the meek and low
    All who have no place to go
    Jesus loves the meek and low

    Jesus washed his disciples feet
    Jesus washed his disciples feet
    Taught us how to serve, and to follow his lead
    Jesus washed his disciples feet

    Jesus says come follow me
    Jesus says come follow me
    Make a place at the table for my children to eat
    Jesus says come follow me

    Jesus had no place to rest his head
    Jesus had no place to rest his head
    Without a house and without a bed
    Jesus had no place to rest his head

    Music and Lyrics: Seth Thomas Crissman and Greg Yoder, 2022

    Vocals: Seth Thomas Crissman, Mitchell Yoder, Greg Yoder

  • Move in us, and move us
    Down from your hill
    Walk with us and through us
    Go with us still
    Touch our hands, and show us your way
    Touch our feet, and lead us today

    Spirit of God, your love, your love makes us strong
    Spirit of God, your love, your love makes us strong

    So use us, Spirit of God
    And move us, Spirit of God

    Move in us, and move us
    Kindle our flame
    Burn in us and through us
    Send us forth in your name
    Touch our hearts and teach us to pray
    Take our feet and help us walk in your way

    Spirit of God, your love, your love makes us strong
    Spirit of God, your love, your love makes us strong

    So use us, Spirit of God
    And move us, Spirit of God

    Teach our ears to hear your song
    Spirit of God, your love makes us strong
    Teach our souls to know your song
    Spirit of God, your love makes us strong
    Teach our voices to join in your song
    Spirit of God, your love makes us strong
    Teach our feet to dance to your song
    Spirit of God, your love makes us strong

    So use us, Spirit of God
    And move us, Spirit of God

    Spirit of God, your love, your love makes us strong
    Spirit of God, your love, your love makes us strong

    Music and Lyrics: Greg Yoder, 2022

    Vocals: Rachel Mast, Ben Luna, Greg Yoder, Kristina Yoder

  • God fill us, fill us with your love
    God fill us, fill us with your love
    For everyone we meet
    For strangers, neighbors and family
    God fill us, fill us with your love

    God find us, find us with your hope
    God find us, find us with your hope
    When in despair we lose our way
    Like the sheep that’s gone astray
    God find us, find us with your hope

    God lead us, lead us with your truth
    God lead us, lead us with your truth
    Through the storm and through the calm
    Give us strength and lead us on
    God lead us, lead us with your truth

    God spark us, spark us with your joy
    God spark us, spark us with your joy
    In the laughter of the trees
    In the dancing of the breeze
    God spark us, spark us with your joy

    God send us, send us with your peace
    God send us, send us with your peace
    In the face of war and fear
    Give us courage, draw us near, then
    God send us, send us with your peace

    Lyrics: Seth Thomas Crissman and Greg Yoder, 2022

    Music: Seth Thomas Crissman, 2022

    Vocals: Mitchell and Lauren Yoder

  • My Shepherd will supply my need,
    Jehovah is his name;
    in pastures fresh he makes me feed,
    beside the living stream.
    He brings my wand'ring spirit back.
    when I forsake his ways;
    and leads me, for his mercy's sake,
    in paths of truth and grace.

    When I walk through the shades of death,
    Thy presence is my stay;
    one word of thy supporting breath
    drives all my fears away.
    Thy hand in sight of all my foes,
    does still my table spread;
    my cup with Blessings overflows,
    thine oil anoints my head.

    The sure provisions of my God
    attend me all my days;
    oh, may that house be mine abode,
    and all my work be praise.
    There would I find a settled rest,
    while others go and come;
    no more a stranger, nor a guest,
    but like a child at home.

    Lyrics: Isaac Watts, 1719

    Music: American traditional

    Vocals: Ebony Nicole, Seth Crissman

  • Peace I leave with you.
    My peace I give to you.
    When you fail, when you fall
    When you’re scared, when call for me
    My peace I’ll give to you.

    Lyrics and Music: Seth Thomas Crissman, 2021

    Vocals: Seth Crissman


Scripture Song References

From the Rising - Psalm 50:1-2

In You, O LORD, I Take Refuge - Psalm 71:1-4a  

Bless the LORD - Psalm 103:1-6, 8

Peace I Leave with You - John 14:27a

Scripture quotations for Volume 3, tracks 2, 5, 6 are direct quotations from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

All music from Volume 3 copyright The Soil and The Seed Project except: Tracks 1, 4, 9 © The Walking Roots Band (used with permission) // Lyrics for track 1, v. 1 written by Samuel Taylor Francis, 1875, alt. // Lyrics for track 4 written by Samuel Longfellow, 1859 // Lyrics for track 5 written by St. Ambrose, 4th century, translated by Louis F. Benson, with direct scripture quotation // Lyrics for track 11 written by Isaac Watts, 1719 // Part or all of tracks 2, 5, and 6 are direct quotations from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


The Soil and The Seed Project Team

Seth Thomas Crissman - Project Director, Editor, Songwriter
Melody Zimmerman - Lead Writer (Little Liturgies), Contributing Songwriter
Harrigan McMahon Bowman - Visual Artistic Director, Contributing Writer
Greg Yoder - Project Coordinator, Contributing Songwriter

Contributing Musicians: Ebony Nicole, Ben Luna, Nichole Barrows, Jessica DiPuma, Valerie Bess, Taylor Bess, Seth Crissman, Jackson Maust, Lauren Yoder, Mitchell Yoder, Greg Yoder, and Kristina Yoder.

Artwork: “Emergence II” by Charlotte Shristi // “Sentient II” by Bethany Tobin // “Colossians Mandala III” by Bethany Tobin

CD Cover Photograph: Harrigan McMahon Bowman
CD Cover Design: Harrigan McMahon Bowman and Greg Yoder
Little Liturgies’ Soil and Seed Images: Jessamyn Bryant

Mixed and Mastered by Taylor Bess //

Made possible through partnership with VMMissions ( and the generosity of many individuals and communities. Thank you. Gloria in Excelsis Deo.

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