Ordinary Time // Week 8 // July 23-29
Each morning brings us fresh outpoured
The loving kindness of the LORD
It ends not as the day goes past
But gives us strength while life shall last
It gives us strength for God’s own will
That we may love and follow still
‘Til evening’s sun is sinking low
And we have further yet to go
To go and show God’s love we’re called,
For we are the hands and feet that walk;
So walk, whether night or brightest day,
That we might always—come what may—
Be Jesus’ feet and Jesus’ hands,
Through waters high, over sun-parched lands,
Carrying the peace of God’s kingdom
And the love we see when the morning comes
Lyrics: verse 1 - Johannes Zwick, 1536; verses 2-4 - Greg Yoder, 2015
Music: Greg Yoder, 2015
Vocals: Jackson Maust, Mitchell Yoder, Kristina Yoder