Ordinary Time // Part 2 // Week 9 // Oct. 30 - Nov. 5

Make me a captive, Lord, and then I shall be free
Lead me to render up my sword, and I will conqueror be
I sink in life’s alarms when by myself I stand
But you hold me within your arms, and strong shall be my hand

My heart is weak and poor, ‘til it a captain finds
It has no compass, floats unmoored, and sinks into the brine
It cannot freely move ‘til you have forged its chain
Anchored to your matchless love, deathless it shall reign

My power is faint and low ‘til I have learned to serve
It wants the needed fire to glow, it wants the breeze to nerve
It cannot drive the world until itself be driven
Its flag can only be unfurled when you have breathed from heaven

My will is not my own ‘til you have made it yours
If it would move the hearts of stone, it must their powers abhor It only stands unbent, amid the clashing strife
When on your bosom it has lent, and found in you its life

Lyrics: George Matheson, 1890 (alt.) // Music: Greg Yoder, 2022 // Vocals: Greg Yoder, Taylor Bess, and Valerie Bess


Ordinary Time // Part 2 // Week 10 // Nov. 6-12


Ordinary Time // Part 2 // Week 8 // Oct. 23-29